ePortfolios and Exams


ePortfolios are well established in the health profession as a means of facilitating and demonstrating learning and assessment. Within KSS, it is compulsory for all O&G trainees to maintain the RCOG NHS ePortfolio as evidence of learning and progression.

For Trainees appointed to a type one StR post in the UK, it is mandatory to subscribe to the Trainees’ Register. Annual renewal of the subscription fees is mandatory until you’ve passed the Part 3 MRCOG, at which point you’ll be eligible for the full membership benefits. Should you have any concerns with receiving your login or password, please email the RCOG ePortfolio support team via eportfolio@rcog.org.uk.

It is the responsibility of the trainee to keep up-to-date accounts of their teaching and experience and to ensure that sufficient numbers of assessments are completed.  The content of the ePortfolio feeds directly into the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) and revalidation and, ultimately, the final sign-off of Core Obstetrics and Gynaecology Training.

ePortfolio guides are available on the RCOG website here.

There is a trainee and trainer ePortfolio champion who can help you with any queries you have regarding the portfolio. The current champions are Ash Kalra (trainee) and Zoe Woodward (trainer).


KSS trainees will sit their MRCOG exams in three parts whilst training:

  • Part 1 is taken during ST1-2 training. Part 2 and Part 3 cannot be completed without completing and passing Part 1.
  • Part 2 and 3* is taken during ST3-5 training. Trainees cannot progress onto ST6 without completing both parts of the exam.

*Some modifications have been made to MRCOG part 3 to allow trainees to progress to ST6 pending their examination and to ensure they are not unfairly penalised due to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.  

For dates and information on O&G exams, please visit the RCOG exam webpage here.