Exams and ePortfolios


For more information on the MRCS examinations and examination dates, please visit the RCS website


The local college tutor will work with all educational and clinical tutors to assist trainees in meeting the competencies stipulated in the curricula.  The ePortfolio was introduced in 2007 to enable trainees to record their training activities, including assessments electronically, and to allow assessments to be completed on line. It is essential that trainees use and complete the work-based assessments on the ISCP website.  Completion of a minimum number of these is required to achieve a satisfactory ARCP.

ePortfolios are becoming well established in the health profession as a means of facilitating and demonstrating learning and assessment.  Within KSS, surgical trainees are expected to maintain the ISCP ePortfolio as evidence of learning and progression. It is also the responsibility of both the trainee and trainer to ensure this is kept updated. The ISCP ePortfolio is managed by the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme, which adopts the GMC definition of assessment.

Please visit ISCP website for more information.

ISCP Helpdesk

If a trainee or their AES is having technical issues with the ISCP portfolio or needs advice on how to do something on it, we would encourage them to contact the ISCP helpdesk team by email or phone.

Email: helpdesk@iscp.ac.uk

Telephone: 020 7869 6299 (Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm)